Getting Started

This guide provides a brief overview for how to get started using JSQSystemSoundPlayer.

@import JSQSystemSoundPlayer;

Playing sounds

[[JSQSystemSoundPlayer sharedPlayer] playSoundWithFilename:@"mySoundFile"
                                                   // completion block code

String constants for file extensions provided for you:

Toggle sounds effects settings on/off

Need a setting in your app’s preferences to toggle sound effects on/off? JSQSystemSoundPlayer can do that, too! There’s no need to ever check the saved settings ([JSQSystemSoundPlayer sharedPlayer].on) before you play a sound effect. Just play a sound like in the example above. JSQSystemSoundPlayer respects whatever setting has been previously saved.

[[JSQSystemSoundPlayer sharedPlayer] toggleSoundPlayerOn:YES];

Specifying a bundle

Need to load your audio resources from a specific bundle? JSQSystemSoundPlayer uses the main bundle by default, but you can specify another.

NOTE: for each sound that is played JSQSystemSoundPlayer will always search the last specified bundle. If you are playing sound effects from multiple bundles, you will need to specify the bundle before playing each sound.

[JSQSystemSoundPlayer sharedPlayer].bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];


The included example app, Example/Example.xcodeproj, exercises all functionality of this framework. There are applications for iOS and OS X.