Getting Started

This guide provides a brief overview for how to get started using JSQCoreDataKit.

import JSQCoreDataKit

Standing up the stack

// Initialize the Core Data model, this class encapsulates the notion of a .xcdatamodeld file
// The name passed here should be the name of an .xcdatamodeld file
let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.MyApp.MyModelFramework")!
let model = CoreDataModel(name: "MyModel", bundle: bundle)

// Initialize a stack with a provider
let provider = CoreDataStackProvider(model: model)

let stack: CoreDataStack?
provider.createStack { result in
    switch result {
        case .success(let s):
            stack = s

        case .failure(let e):
            print("Error: \(e)")

In-memory stacks for testing

let inMemoryModel = CoreDataModel(name: myName, bundle: myBundle, storeType: .inMemory)
let provider = CoreDataStackProvider(model: inMemoryModel)

let stack: CoreDataStack?
provider.createStack { result in
    switch result {
        case .success(let s):
            stack = s

        case .failure(let e):
            print("Error: \(e)")

Saving a managed object context

stack.mainContext.saveSync { result in
    switch result {
        case .success:
            print("save succeeded")

        case .failure(let error):
            print("save failed: \(error)")

Deleting the store

let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.MyApp.MyModelFramework")!
let model = CoreDataModel(name: "MyModel", bundle: bundle)
do {
    try model.removeExistingStore()
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

Performing migrations

let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.MyApp.MyModelFramework")!
let model = CoreDataModel(name: "MyModel", bundle: bundle)
if model.needsMigration {
    do {
        try model.migrate()
    } catch {
        print("Failed to migrate model: \(error)")

Using child contexts

// Create a main queue child context from the main context
let childContext = stack.childContext(concurrencyType: .mainQueueConcurrencyType)

// Create a background queue child context from the background context
let childContext = stack.childContext(concurrencyType: .privateQueueConcurrencyType)

Example app

There’s an example app in the Example/ directory. Open the ExampleApp.xcodeproj to run it. The project exercises all basic functionality of the library.