
“Smart” invert color support

Handle “dark mode” / “invert colors” on iOS. Example, mark image view as accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors.

See also: Accessibility Smart Invert by Keith Harrison

Traits of a good accessible iOS app

At the time of writing this post, there are 17 different traits that you can use to define your UI controls. Button, Selected, Not Enabled, Adjustable… are some examples. You can find the full list in Apple’s documentation. But sometimes, it might not be straightforward to understand what these traits really mean, or how they affect the user experience, in the documentation so I thought it would be a good idea to write a bit about some of them.

A helpful way to look at your app’s use of color

A helpful way to look at your app’s use of color is to put your device in 🐼 Grayscale! (It’s not just a productivity hack!) This can help you identify areas where you depend only on COLOR to communicate. 🎨 Color is great; however color alone shouldn’t convey important info!

via @sommer

Getting Started With Accessibility

More specifically, what I want to look at is not “what APIs are there to help make an app accessible?”, but rather “how do I use the available APIs to make my app accessible as best as possible?”.

Xcode 15: Automated accessibility audits

Xcode 15 introduces a way of automatically performing accessibility audits on your app through UI tests. Such audits can help you identify accessibility issues such as missing labels for elements, clipped text, insufficient colour contrast, lack of support for Dynamic Type and many more.

A11yUITests: An XCUI Testing library for accessibility

Making iOS Accessibility Testing Easy
